“Losing customers is nothing compared to losing lives.” Senate District 44 was the first district to feel the devastating effects of this virus and just this week I learned of 6 veterans in Chester County who lost their lives to COVID-19. Today I urged my colleagues to vote ‘NO’ on SB613. We all understand that businesses and employees are hurting right now. Today the Senate Democratic Caucus offered up an omnibus amendment which would have ensured paid sick leave, workers compensation and sufficient PPE for the hardworking people across the Commonwealth.

We need more relief for business and their employees, not putting people’s lives at risk without guaranteeing them basic worker protections. Ultimately, if we reopen now there will be more deaths because of this virus. We cannot allow this to spread further than we already have. We need to work TOGETHER, as a body, with the Administration and medical professionals to come up with a real solution that can rejuvenate the economy and save lives.