ROYERSFORD July 16, 2019 ­– Sen. Katie Muth (D-Berks, Chester, Montgomery) announced that local elementary schools have been awarded grant funding through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) to provide healthier food choices for students.

“Providing students with healthier food options at school is extremely important to their health and their education,” said Muth. “I am grateful that Norristown School District is receiving assistance to not only provide healthy meals, but also create an environment where healthy eating is valued.”

Norristown School District schools approved for FFVP funding include:

  • Cole Manor Elementary – $25,817.50;
  • Gotwals Elementary – $23,345.00;
  • Hancock Elementary – $22,080.00;
  • Marshall Street Elementary – $37,375.00;
  • Paul V Fly Elementary – $28,962.50;
  • Ray S. Musselman Learning Center – $15,295.00;
  • Whitehall Elementary – $31,797.50.

The FFVP aims to provide healthier food choices in schools, expand the variety of fruits and vegetables available to students, and encourage students to make healthy eating choices in and out of school.

“Fresh fruits and vegetables provide vital nutrients to growing children,” said Pennsylvania Education Sec. Pedro A. Rivera. “These grants are another way to help address food security in our schools while also providing an opportunity to teach students how to make smart and nutritious choices.”
