HARRISBURG, Octubre 27, 2022 – State Senator Katie Muth, chair of the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Policy Committee, will join Senator Amanda Cappelletti and Senator Judy Schwank to host a public hearing tomorrow on the deceptive practices of some so-called crisis pregnancy centers. 

The public hearing will be held tomorrow, Viernes, Octubre 28 in Hearing Room 1 of the North Office Building at the State Capitol in Harrisburg. The hearing will also accommodate virtual participation on on Zoom and anyone interested can sign up in advance by clicking here.

This is the second hearing on the topic and the focus will be on centers that specifically receive state funding through the Alternative to Abortion Services Program in the fiscal code.  

La audiencia también se retransmitirá en directo en SenatorMuth.com/Policy y en la página de página de Facebook del senador Muth.

Se fomenta la participación de los medios de comunicación.

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