Menciones en los medios de comunicación

Top environmental official’s reconfirmation hearing delayed over pipeline concerns

Top environmental official’s reconfirmation hearing delayed over pipeline concerns

A state Senate committee postponed a planned confirmation hearing for one of Pennsylvania’s top environmental officials, after a bipartisan group of lawmakers raised concerns about his agency’s involvement in controversial gas pipeline project.

The Senate Environmental Resources & Energy Committee met Martes morning to vote on the nominations of Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Patrick McDonnell and Cindy Adams Dunn, secretary of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

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Pennsylvania lawmakers unveil bill to end death penalty

Pennsylvania lawmakers unveil bill to end death penalty

HARRISBURG, Pa. (WHTM) – A group of lawmakers plans to introduce legislation that would end the death penalty in Pennsylvania.

Sen. Sharif Street (D-Philadelphia), Sen. Katie Muth (D-Berks, Chester, Montgomery), and Rep. Chris Rabb (D-Philadelphia) say the death penalty has proven to be unsuccessful as a crime deterrent, incredibly costly, and a flawed system of punishment.

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Democratic lawmakers seek end to death penalty in Pennsylvania

Democratic lawmakers seek end to death penalty in Pennsylvania

HARRISBURG — Sen. Katie Muth (D-Berks, Chester, Montgomery), Sen. Sharif Street (D-Philadelphia), and Rep. Chris Rabb (D-Philadelphia) were joined by advocates as they called for ending the death penalty in Pennsylvania.

The lawmakers are introducing legislation in their respective chambers to repeal the penalty that is proven to be unsuccessful as a crime deterrent, incredibly costly, and a flawed system of punishment.

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Pa. lawmakers introducing legislation to end death penalty in the state

Pa. lawmakers introducing legislation to end death penalty in the state

HARRISBURG, Pa. – Pennsylvania lawmakers announced legislation Martes aimed at ending the death penalty in the state.

Sen. Sharif Street (D-Philadelphia), Sen. Katie Muth (D-Berks, Chester, Montgomery), and Rep. Chris Rabb (D-Philadelphia) are introducing legislation in their respective chambers to end the death penalty.

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California Synagogue Shooting: Pa. officials react to violence at Congregation Chabad in Poway

California Synagogue Shooting: Pa. officials react to violence at Congregation Chabad in Poway

It was a scene all-too-familiar: People gathering in a show of solidarity and support outside Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue.

But this time, the vigil wasn’t for locals, but rather for Congregation Chabad in Poway, Calif., near San Diego, which left one person dead, and three more wounded. The California shooting, on the last day of Passover, came six months to the day of the deadly shooting at Tree of Life, which claimed the lives of 11 people.

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Suburban Philadelphia state senators seek answers from DEP chief over Mariner East pipeline

Suburban Philadelphia state senators seek answers from DEP chief over Mariner East pipeline

A bipartisan group of state senators from Chester and Delaware counties wants to put off the reconfirmation of Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Patrick McDonnell until multiple criminal probes of Sunoco’s Mariner East pipeline projects are complete.

Led by Chester County Democrat Andy Dinniman, the group asked Sen. Gene Yaw, majority chair of the Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, and Sen. John Yudichak, the minority chair, to delay what is typically a routine hearing on reappointment, which is scheduled for Martes.

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Pa. state senators push for student refinancing plan

Pa. state senators push for student refinancing plan

Rider Brandau is a low-income, first-generation student at Elizabethtown College.

“When students borrow money for college, they agree to pay back that money,” Brandau said. “I will owe roughly $30,000 upon graduation, which is a fair price for what I have received from Elizabethtown.”

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Los trabajadores sociales del condado de Berks instan a los comisarios a seguir negociando

Los trabajadores sociales del condado de Berks instan a los comisarios a seguir negociando

Los asistentes sociales de los Servicios de Menores y en la prisión comarcal trabajan desde enero de 2018 sin contrato.

Más de una docena de trabajadores sociales que prestan sus servicios en el condado como asistentes sociales de los Servicios para Niños y Jóvenes y en la prisión del condado acudieron el jueves a la reunión de comisionados del condado de Berks para animarles a cooperar mientras continúan las negociaciones contractuales.

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Los legisladores hablan del salario mínimo de 15 dólares en una reunión municipal en Reading

Los legisladores hablan del salario mínimo de 15 dólares en una reunión municipal en Reading

Reading, PA - Cuando se habla de aumentar el salario mínimo del estado de $ 7.25 a $ 15 por hora, el senador estatal Judy Schwank dijo que a veces oye de los propietarios de pequeñas empresas que dicen que el aumento podría ponerlos fuera del negocio.

"Pero cuando el dueño de 13 restaurantes McDonald's me dice que subamos el salario mínimo a 12 dólares la hora, que lo ve con buenos ojos, me hace sentir un poco mejor al respecto", dijo Schwank.

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Las mujeres ganan terreno en la Asamblea General

Las mujeres ganan terreno en la Asamblea General

Un año excepcional para las mujeres en el gobierno hizo que Pensilvania subiera cinco puestos en cuanto a representación femenina en los órganos legislativos estatales. El aumento fue uno de los mayores de los 50 estados. Sólo cuatro estados registraron un aumento porcentual mayor en sus...

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5 legisladores de Berks asumen funciones de liderazgo

5 legisladores de Berks asumen funciones de liderazgo

Cinco legisladores del Condado de Berks estarán en posiciones de liderazgo para la sesión de dos años de la Asamblea General que acaba de comenzar en Harrisburg. Judy Schwank, Tomas Caltigirone, David Argall, Katie Muth y Jim Cox asumen cargos.

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