Date: Jueves, Abril 11, 2019
Time: 6 PM – 8 PM
Stickman Brews
326 N Lewis Rd, Ste 240
Royersford, PA 19468

Join We The People – Pennsylvania for a fun and (somewhat) nerdy happy hour at Stickman Brews! This event is co-hosted by Senator Katie Muth, Rep. Joe Ciresi, Rep. Joe Webster, and Rep. Melissa Shusterman.

Attendees will have the opportunity to meet the legislators, as well as hear from them about key issues and legislation they will be introducing or supporting this coming session.

Hear about the Fair Share Tax Plan—a proposal to make our tax system more fair and raises much needed revenue while reducing the tax burden on our lower- and-middle-class residents.

We’ll also raise a glass to raising the minimum wage and learn about what that would mean to Montgomery and surrounding counties. And we’ll talk about what activists and everyday citizens can do to make it happen!

FOOD will be provided with both vegetarian and meat-based options! Come grab a bite, grab a drink, meet your legislator, and learn about the hottest state policy issues in 2019!

Energy in the political movement means we are now in a much better place to influence policy and political leaders than in previous years. In addition to the new members and more diverse representation in the Pennsylvania General Assembly, there is new energy in both the House and Senate Democratic caucuses ready to take bold stances on pro-active change!

Together, we can push for wins on fairer working conditions and better wages; education; health care; fair taxation; increased recurring revenue; and more. 2019 is going to be a big year and one where we take back the narrative and tell our representatives what WE THE PEOPLE want—we can’t wait to work alongside you!