Royersford – November 12, 2019 – Sen. Katie Muth (D-Berks, Chester, Montgomery) and Rep. Joe Webster (D-Montgomery) announced funding approval for two transportation projects in Montgomery County aimed to improve pedestrian and motorist safety. 

The projects were awarded funding through the Multimodal Transportation Fund.

“Investing in transportation projects that improve community safety is a necessity,” said Muth. “The grants awarded now provide the opportunity to ensure that pedestrians, as well as motorists, can now safely travel through Montgomery County.”

Ursinus College was awarded $670,442 to assist with pedestrian travel improvements on Main Street.

Lower Providence Township was awarded $1,000,000 to help with improving the existing intersection at Park Avenue, Eagleville Road, and Crawford Road along SR 4004.

“I’m thrilled to see this funding awarded for work that will improve safety on our roads. Lower Providence Township’s project will address an intersection that has seen numerous accidents, and Ursinus College plans to improve sidewalks to make them safer for pedestrians,” said Webster. “I’m grateful that the Commonwealth Financing Authority has approved grants that will make it easier – and safer – to travel in our communities.”

Multimodal Transportation Funding is approved and administered by the Commonwealth Financing Authority.

Funding is awarded to projects that aim to spur economic development and ensure safe and reliable systems of transportations to residents of the Commonwealth.

More information on the Multimodal Transportation Fund, visit
