HARRISBURG, Abril 27, 2022 – State Senator Katie Muth, chair of the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Policy Committee, will join Senator Maria Collett, Senator Amanda Cappelletti, Senator Carolyn Comitta and Senator Judy Schwank tomorrow at Montgomery County Community College to host a public hearing on the challenges faced by college students and staff in regard to childcare.

The hearing will be held tomorrow, Jueves, Abril 28 at 10 a.m. in Room 1804 of the Health Sciences Center at Montgomery County Community College in Blue Bell. The hearing will also accommodate virtual participation and anyone interested can sign up in advance by clicking here. Montgomery County Community College is located at 340 DeKalb Pike in Blue Bell.

The hearing will feature testimony from students, educators, advocates and public policy experts who will discuss the lack of affordable and accessible childcare at institutions of higher education.

La audiencia también se retransmitirá en directo en SenatorMuth.com/Policy y en la página de página de Facebook del senador Muth.

Se fomenta la participación de los medios de comunicación.

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