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Audiencia política - Esparcimiento por carretera de aguas residuales de petróleo y gas en Pensilvania

17 de abril de 2024 @ 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Audiencia política - Esparcimiento por carretera de aguas residuales de petróleo y gas en Pensilvania

On Abril 17, Senators Muth and Comitta will hold a hearing on the practice of spreading brine on Pennsylvania roads. This hearing aims to thoroughly examine the environmental and public health impacts associated with the practice of spreading oil and gas drilling waste, known as brine, on Pennsylvania’s roads for dust control and ice management. Despite a moratorium implemented in 2018, reports indicate continued use of conventional drilling waste for road applications, raising significant concerns over the potential release of harmful substances such as salts, metals, and radioactive materials into the environment.

This hearing will be fully virtual on Zoom. 

Register in advance for this meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZckfumqqDMiHt0sA8UTe3Drfet3Lp0Qlf-y


17 de abril de 2024
La hora:
11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Categoría del evento:


PA United States