Royersford- Noviembre 18, 2020 − Senator Muth (D-44 Chester, Montgomery, Berks) announced that her district received grants from the Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) totaling over $80,000 for technical education programs. The Western Montgomery CTC was awarded $32,500.00 and the Berks CTC was awarded $50,000.00 for new equipment for students that are in training.

“These grants will help our technical education centers procure up-to-date equipment that will directly benefit our students as they develop the critical skills necessary to be competitive in high-demand fields,” stated Senator Muth.  “Our career and technical centers do an outstanding job coordinating with local businesses, to ensure that students are acquiring the skills necessary to be successful in whatever path they choose after graduating.”

These grants will allow for the purchase of equipment aligned with the needs of local employers for use in PDE-approved Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs and to provide hands-on training to students in those programs. Nearly $1.2 million in competitive grants has been awarded to 32 Career and Technical Centers (CTC) and Area Vocational Technical Education Schools and 2 school districts across the state.
