Royersford – October 4, 2019 – Sen. Muth (D-Berks, Chester, Montgomery) applauded the approval of Green Light-Go funding awarded to Lower Providence Township that will assist with traffic signal upgrades and operations.

“Improving transportation safety is a constant priority for our communities in the 44th,” said Muth. “Ensuring that traffic signals are functioning properly is key to keeping motorists and pedestrians safe in our area.

The funding awarded through Green Light-Go will help Lower Providence’s efforts to keep travelers safe.”

$342,025 was awarded to Lower Providence Township for the upgrade of automated traffic signal performance. This includes improving fiber optic communication, controller upgrades, and detection upgrades at three intersections along Egypt Road.

Green Light-Go grants are administered through PennDOT as reimbursement to municipalities who improve and upgrade operations of existing traffic signals.
